Clone / Copy SSIS Catalog Project Configuration – sp_SSISCloneConfiguration GitHub

When you deploy a SSIS project to SSIS Catalog, you have the possibility to Configure the deployed SSIS project so you do not need to pass the parameter execution values each time you are executing the the project packages. You can configure the project to use explicitly provided value or you can use reference to Environment Variables.

This is very useful feature, however if you are using multiple environments, like DEV, TEST, QA, PROD, then you have to handle that configuration in each of the environments. To simplify the process of setting up the parameter, you can scrip the configuration.

The pitfall of scripting the configuration is, that you can do that automatically only during initial setup of the configuration. Once you confirm the configuration values in SSMS, there is no possibility to script-out any existing configuration.


sp_SSISCloneConfiguration is a custom stored procedure which takes care about cloning/copying the configurations among different projects in the same SSISDB catalog as well as it provides functionality to generate reusable scripts to easily re-apply the configurations even among different SSIS Servers.

The stored procedure also takes care about sensitive values re-encryption when those are being cloned as SSISS is using different encryption keys for each project in the SSIS catalog, so simple copy of the encrypted values does not work among different projects.

The stored procedure executes in the context of the AllSchemaOwner database user in the SSISDB, which ensure access to all areas of SSISDB including the needed certificates and symmetric keys to allow scripting. The actual re-application of the configuration script is running in the context of the caller as the Internal SSIS catalog stored procedures for configuring projects needs to be executed in the context of windows credentials.

The create scripts grants EXECUTE permission to the sssis_admin database role in the SSISDB catalog so the SSSIS admins can utilize that stored procedure.

Be careful, anyone with EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure is capable of seeing decrypted sensitive values when printing the script. The script by default grants that permission to ssis_admin database role. If you want to keep that functionality only to sysadmins, remove the GRANT at the end of the script.

The complete source code for the sp_SSISCloneConfiguration is available in my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub in the SSISDB folder.

The syntax of the stored procedure is as follow:

    @sourceFolder             = 'Source Folder Name'
   ,@sourceProject            = 'Source Project Name'
   ,@sourceObject             = 'Optional Source Object Name'
   ,@destinationFolder        = 'Optional Destination Folder Name'
   ,@destinationProject       = 'Optional Destination Project Name'
   ,@printScript              = 1 --Specifies whether only script should be printed
   ,@decryptSensitiveInScript = 1 --Specifies whether sensitive values should be decrypted in script

When the procedure copies the configuration, it applies the source configurations to target. If on the target are any other configuration, those are not touched by the cloning script. In order to have exact configuration, the configurations on target project should be reset.

The generated script is also easily reusable as there are two variables in the beginning for specification of the destination folder and project. By simple modification of those variables the script will apply the configuration on different projects in different folders.


The procedure has several parameters where some are required and some optional

The core parameters are @sourceFolder, @sourceProject . The @sourceObject@destinationFolder, @destinationProject, @printScript and @decryptSensistiveInScript are optional.

@source Folder

Specifies the source folder where the source project is located


Specifies the name of the source project from within source folder to be scripted


Optional name of the Source Object. It specifies name of the object withing the project which configuration should be scripted. It can point to project name or to individual package names. When provided, then only configurations related to that object are cloned or scripted.


Name of the folder of destination project to which the configuration should be cloned. This parameter is optional and if not provided than the source folder name is being used.


Name of the destination project to which the configuration should be coned. This parameter is optional and if not provided, then the name of the source project is used. If the destination is not provided or matches the source project (both folders and projects are the same), then the @printScript parameter is enforced to 1 and script is always generated.


Specifies whether a script should be printed into the output window. If yes, then you simply copy the script from the output window and you can apply it immediatelly on other SSIS Instance.

Default value = 0, this means that the script executes within the SSISDB catalog and automatically clones the configuration unless it is enforced when source matches destination or destination is not provided.


Specifeis whether sensitive values should be decrypted in the script.If yes, then the values are part of the script in plain-text form, however they are marked sensitive and will be encrypted after applying the script.

If the parameter is 0 (Default), then the sensitive values are not scripted out and instead NULL value is being scripted out. User must then fill those missing values prior execution of the script.

Sample Output

Below is sample script generated by the stored procedure when @printScript=1 and @decryptSensitiveInScript=1

RAISERROR(N'sp_SSISCloneConfiguration v0.10 (2016-12-18) (C) 2016 Pavel Pawlowski', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'=====================================================================', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

DECLARE @destinationFolder nvarchar(128) = N'Test' --Specify Destination Folder Name
DECLARE @destinationProject nvarchar(128) = N'DataLoading' --Specify Destination Project Name

--Checking for destination folder existence
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] WHERE [name] = @destinationFolder)
RAISERROR(N'Destination folder [%s] does not exists.', 15, 0, @destinationFolder) WITH NOWAIT;
--Checking for destination project existence
FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[projects] p
INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = p.folder_id
WHERE = @destinationFolder AND = @destinationProject)
RAISERROR(N'Destination project [%s]\[%s] does not exists.', 15, 1, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;

--Project parameters configuration
DECLARE @var sql_variant

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[SourceDB_ConnectionString]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'SourceDB_ConnectionString', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'R', @parameter_value = N'SourceDB_ConnectionString'

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[Interval]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'120');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'Interval', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[SecurePassword]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'Pa$$w0rd'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'SecurePassword', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoad.dtsx]\[SourceTableName]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'Person');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=30, @parameter_name = N'SourceTableName', @object_name = N'DataLoad.dtsx', @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var
RAISERROR(N'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'There are configurations using Environment varaibles references.', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'DON''T FORGET TO SET ENVIRONMENT REFERENCES for project [%s]\[%s].', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT
RAISERROR(N'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

Clone / Copy SSIS Server Variables Among Environments – sp_SSISCloneEnvironment on GitHub

You have SSIS projects deployed in the SSISDB catalog. You are using environments and environment variables for passing parameter values to SSIS Executables. This is a very common scenario.

You come to a situation that you need transfer the SSIS projects, environments and varaibles among different SSIS environments (DEV/TEST/QA/PROD). You already have bunch of environment variables defined in one of your environment and you need to transfer those to other environment.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to clone, copy or script the varaibles to transfer them to different environment. If you do not script them during creation in the SSMS, there is no option in SSMS to script them out. If you do not want to type all the varaibles manually again, you have to script those in some way.

Anyway the proper scripting or clonning is not completely trivial in case sensitive varaible values are being used as SSISDB uses multiple symmetric keys and certificates for the encryption and each Environment in the SSISDB has its own key and corresponding certificate. When cloning such sensitive value, the value needs to be decrypted with the source environment symmetric key and re-encrypted by the destination environment symmetric key.


sp_SSISCloneEnvironment is a custom stored procedure which takes care about cloning the SSSI server variables among different environments in the same SSISDB catalog as well as it allows generate a script, which can be re-applied on even oon other SSIS Instance.

The stored procedure takes care about sensitive values re-encryption by proper certificate when clonning. As mentioned above, SSIS generates a separate symmetric key and certificate for each environment. To ensure proper future functionality, the stored procedure takes care about decryption of the sensitive variables when reading from current environment and re-encryption by proper destination environment symmetric key.

The stored procedure executes in the context of the AllSchemaOwner database user in the SSISDB, which ensure access to all areas of SSISDB including the needed certificates and symmetric keys. Only in areas where it needs to create a folder or environment it switches the context to the caller of the stored procedure as the procedures which are taking care abut the folder and environment creation must be executed under windows credentials.

The create scripts grants EXECUTE permission to the sssis_admin database role in the SSISDB catalog so the SSSIS admins can utilize that stored procedure.

Be carefull, anyone with EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure is capable of seeing decrypted sensitive values when printing the script. The script by default grants that permission to ssis_admin database role. If you want to keep that functionality only to sysadmins, remove the GRANT at the end of the script.

The complete source code for the sp_SSISCloneEnvironment is available in my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub in the SSISDB folder.

The syntax of the stored procedure is as follow:

   @sourceFolder                = 'Source Folder Name'
  ,@sourceEnvironment           = 'Source Environment Name'
  ,@destinationFolder           = 'Destination Folder Name'
  ,@destinationEnvironment      = 'Destination Environment Name'
  ,@autoCreate                  = 1 --Auto Create Destination
  ,@printScript                 = 1 --Specifies that Create Script should be output instead of actual execution
  ,@decryptSensitiveInScript    = 1 --Specifies that the sensitive values should be decrypted in the create script

Currently when cloning the environment variables the destination environment must be empty if script is not being generated and the procedure is running in the non-interactive mode.

The generated script is also easily reusable as there are two variables in the beginning for specification of the destination folder and environment. By simple modification of those variables the script will generate the variables different environments.


The procedure has several parameters where some are required and some optional

The core parameters are @sourceFolder, @sourceEnvironment and @destinationFolder. The @destinationEnvornment, @autoCreate, @printScript and @decryptSensistiveInScript are optional.

@source Folder

Specifies the source folder where the source environment is located


Specifies the name of the source environment from within source folder to be scripted


Name of the destination folder to wich the environment varaibles should be clonned.


Name of the destination environment to which the varaibles should be conned. This parameter is optional and if not provided, then the name of the source environment is used.


Specifies whether the destination foolde and destination environment should be automatically crated if they do not exist. If the script is being generated then a statement which checks existence of the folder and environment are included in the script and missing folder and/or environment is automatically created if needed by the script.

Default value is 1 = true


Specifies whether a script should be printed into the output window. If yes, then you simply copy the script from the output window and you can apply it immediatelly on other SSIS Instance.

Default value = 0, this means that the script executes within the SSISDB catalog and automatically clnes the variables


Specifeis whether sensitive values should be decrypted in the script.If yes, then the values are part of the script in plain-text form, howver they are marked sensitive and will be encrypted after applying the script.

If the parameter is 0 (Default), then the sensitive values are not scripted out and instead NULL value is being scripted out. User must then fill those missing values priorexecution of the script.

Sample Output

Below is sample script generated by the stored procedure when @printScript=1 and @decryptSensitiveInScript=1

RAISERROR(N'sp_SSISCloneEnvironment v0.20 (2016-10-11) (C) 2016 Pavel Pawlowski', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'===================================================================', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

DECLARE @destinationFolder nvarchar(128) = N'TEST' --Specify Destination Folder Name
DECLARE @destinationEnvironment nvarchar(128) = N'ClonedEnvironment' --Specify Destination Environment Name

--Checking for destination folder existence
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] WHERE [name] = @destinationFolder)
    RAISERROR(N'Creating missing Folder [%s]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder) WITH NOWAIT;
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_folder] @folder_name = @destinationFolder

--Checking for destination environment existence
    SELECT 1
    FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[environments] e
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = e.folder_id
    WHERE f.[name] = @destinationFolder AND e.[name] = @destinationEnvironment
    RAISERROR(N'Creating missing Environment [%s]\[%s]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @environment_name = @destinationEnvironment, @environment_description = N''

--Checking for variables existence in destination eivnironment
    SELECT 1
    FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[environment_variables] ev
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[environments] e ON e.environment_id = ev.environment_id
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = e.folder_id
    WHERE = @destinationFolder AND = @destinationEnvironment
    RAISERROR(N'Destination Environment [%s]\[%s] is not empty. Clear all variables prior clonning environment.', 15, 2, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;

--Environment variables creation
DECLARE @var sql_variant

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V1]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(bit, N'1');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V1', @data_type=N'Boolean', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V10]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'This is string parameters');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V10', @data_type=N'String', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V11]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'This is sensitive string'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V11', @data_type=N'String', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V12]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(datetime, N'2010-12-31T00:00:00'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V12', @data_type=N'DateTime', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V13]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(decimal(28, 18), N'99.990000000000000000'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V13', @data_type=N'Decimal', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V14]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'56'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V14', @data_type=N'Int32', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V2]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(tinyint, N'5');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V2', @data_type=N'Byte', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V3]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(datetime, N'2016-01-01T00:00:00');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V3', @data_type=N'DateTime', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V4]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(decimal(28, 18), N'12.390000000000000000');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V4', @data_type=N'Decimal', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V5]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(float, N'156.987');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V5', @data_type=N'Double', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V6]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'123456');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V6', @data_type=N'Int32', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V7]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(bigint, N'987654321');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V7', @data_type=N'Int64', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V8]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(smallint, N'9');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V8', @data_type=N'SByte', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V9]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(float, N'56');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V9', @data_type=N'Single', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''