Snowflake Recursive CTE NULL Handling bug

Recently I have discovered a bug in Snowlake Core Cloud Sevices query parser, which causes wrong NULL handling in recursive CTE queriers.

Snowflake is already aware about that and confirmed that bug, but currently there is no ETA for this bug resolution. Problem should be addressed in some of future releases.

The problem is, that in case you have an NULL constant in the anchor part of resursive CTE, then such field when used in an expression is always evaluated as NULL.

        ,NULL                   AS NULL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN
        ,1                      AS LEVEL

        ,PT.LEVEL + 1           AS LEVEL

In the example above there is NULL AS NUL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN in the anchor expression of the CTE. It is a NULL constant in the the anchor part, but in the recursive part it is defined as PT.TABLE_COLUMN AS NULL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN, thus for child records it is NOT NULL. In final select, the NULL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN field produces correct results when used as standalone field. But if the field is used in an expression like IFNULL(NULL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN, 'This is always evaluated as NULL'), then such expression always treats the NULL_PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN as NULL.

Here is a complete sample with some demo data:

    TABLE_NAME varchar
    ,TABLE_LOAD_TYPE varchar
    ,PARENT_TABLE_NAME varchar

     ('A', 'MERGE', NULL)
    ,('B', 'MERGE', NULL)
    ,('C', 'INSERT', 'A')
    ,('D', 'MERGE', 'B')
    ,('E', 'INSERT', 'D');

        ,NULL                   AS PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE               -- NULL CONSTANT in anchor part of recursive CTE causes further
        ,CAST('' as varchar)    AS PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE_NOT_NULL      -- 
        ,1                      AS LEVEL

        ,PT.LEVEL + 1                       AS LEVEL
    ,C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE                                               -- For Anchor members it returns null, for non-anchor it returns correct values
    ,IFNULL(C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE, 'ISNULL')     AS WORNG_NULL_HANDLING  -- if there is in the anchor part of the recuse CTE a NULL constant, all rows evaluate to NULL     
    ,COALESCE(C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE, 'ISNULL')   AS WRONG_NULL_HANDLING2 -- if there is in the anchor part of the recuse CTE a NULL constant, all rows evaluate to NULL
    ,LENGTH(C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE)               AS WRONG_NULL_HANDLING3 -- if there is in the anchor part of the recuse CTE a NULL constant, all rows evaluate to NULL
    ,C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE || '_CONCAT'          AS WRONG_NULL_HANDLING4 -- if there is in the anchor part of the recuse CTE a NULL constant, all rows evaluate to NULL
    ,IFNULL(C.PARENT_TABLE_NAME, 'ISNULL')          AS CORRECT_HANDLING     -- Non-null constants work fine
    ,C.PARENT_TABLE_LOAD_TYPE_NOT_NULL || '_CONCAT' AS CORRECT_HANDLING2    -- nulls retrieved from table work fine

Te wrong handling is visible in the below image which shows results of the above demo:

If the field which has NULL constant in anchor part of recursive CTE is used in resultset as it is (out of expression), then its value is evaluated properly and proper result is returned. Problem is only, if such field is used in expression. Then it looks like Snowflake query parser looks on the CTE and if there is NULL constant, it automatically returns NULL for each row (to avoid per-row evaluation). This migh work for normal CTE, but does not work for recursive CTE as the child records might produce non-NULL values.

Also there are no problem, if a physical table field is used in expression and that field contains NULL. Problem is only with those NULL constants.

Unless the problem is addressed by Snowflake, the only workaround is to use a non NULL constant in the anchor part of recursive CTE, but this might be problematic in some cases.

Cleanup of Retention Window in Partioned Tables – sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow

In my GitHub collection of SQL Scripts is now available a new stored procedure sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow under the TablesManagement/Partitioning folder. Help for the function is available in the repository Wiki.

Scenario Overview

You have huge tables in the MS SQL Database and to be able to efectively manage the amount of data, you have partitioned the table.

As the amount of the data grows over the time, you start thinking about regular maintenance of such huge table and drop old not needed data.

You need to clean the oldest partitions and MERGE the partitions in the partitoin fuction to keep the number of partitions reasonable (especially if new partitions are created as new data are arriving).

To cleanup partitions prior SQL Server 2016 you have to perform partition switching to cleanup the partitions and then you could MERGE the partitions. On SQL Server 2016 and above the situation is simplified as you can use the TUNRCATE TABLE WITH PARTITIONS. But again to merge partition, you must put exact partition boundary values etc.

To automate regular maintenance you need to write sripts to handle all the needed tasks.


As mentioned in the scenario above, the sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow is the procedure which takes care about all the operations needed to cleanup the table prior specified retention window.


ParameterNameData TypeDefaultDescription
@pfNamenvarchar(128)NULLName of the partition function. All associated partition schemes and tables will be cleaned according specified @retentionWindow
  • Specifies retention window
  • @retentionWindow must be of the dame exact data type as the partition fuction
  • All partitions prior the partition containging @retentionWindow value wil be cleared.If partitions contain data, partitions are first truncated.
  • All partitions prior partition containing the @retentionWindow will be merged into the first (leftmost) partition.
  • If @retentionWindow is part of the first (leftmost) partition, no cleanup happens.
@infoOnlybit1When 1 prints only information about affected tables and partitions and does not perform any cleanup. When 0 does the actual cleanup

How It Operates

Procedure takes @pfName parameter, which identifies partition function used by partitioned table(s). Then based on the @retentionWindow parameter it idetnfifies partition containing the @retentionWindow value.

The @retentionWindow parameter identifies the lowest value which must be kept in the table. All records prior that one can be cleared.

If the @retentionWindow value is part of the first (leftmost) partition, the procedure ends and does not perform any cleanup as there is nothing to cleanup. It cannot clean the partition containing the @retentionWindow value.

If the @retentionWindow is part of second and higher partitions, it scan for all Partitions Shemes using the @pfName partition function.

After identification of the partition schemes it identifies all the tables using the identified partitions shemes.

Once the tables are identified, it loops through all the tables and TRUNCATES all the partitions prior the partition containing the @retentionWindow value.

After the truncation the procedure ALTERS the parition function and merges all the partitions prior the partition containing the @retentionWindow value to the first (leftmost) partition.

It keeps always the first leftmost partition empty.

By the scrip the procedure is deployed into the [master] database and marked as system stored procedure. This allows simple call of the procedure from within all databases on the SQL Server instance and also thanks to that the procedure is running in the context of the database from within it is being called.


The sample below does cleanup fo all tables associated with the pf_partDate partition function. Cleanup and merge all partitions prior partition containign value of @retentionWindow = '2020-12-15'. pf_partDate is using the date data type.

If we take a closer look on the pf_partDate partition function by using the sp_HelpPartitionFunction we will find, it has multiple partitions and is used by multipel partition schemes and tables.

sp_HelpPartitionFunction 'pf_partDate', 1

Info Only

If we execute the procedure with @infoOnly=1 then only information about affected partitions and tables will be provided.

DECLARE @retentionWindow date = '2020-12-05'

EXEC sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow
    @pfName             = 'pf_partDate'
    ,@retentionWindow   = @retentionWindow
    ,@infoOnly          = 1

Info Only Output

Below is sample output of the procedure which informs about actions which will be performed if the @infoOnly would be set to 0.

sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow v0.10 (2021-05-07) (C) 2017-2021 Pavel Pawlowski
Cleans retention window for all tables associated with partition function

Feedback mail to:
Cleaning retention window for partition function [pf_partDate]
Partitions to Cleanup:
[          ]    [x] <  [2020-11-01]
[2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01]
Affected Partition Schemes And Tables:
  - [dbo].[tblDate1]
  - [dbo].[tblDate11]
  - [dbo].[tblDate2]

From the output we can see, that there are two partitions which would be affected. First partition containing data prior 2020-10-01 and second partition containing data between the 2020-10-01 and 2020-11-01.

Also it informs, that there are two partitions schemes. Partition scheme [ps_date1] which is used by tables [dbo].[tblDate1] and [dbo].[tblDate11] and partition scheme [ps_date2] which is used by table [dbo].[tblDate2].


If we execute the procedure with @infoOnly=0 then information about affected partitions and tables will be provided as well as actual cleanup will be done.

DECLARE @retentionWindow date = '2020-12-05'

EXEC sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow
    @pfName             = 'pf_partDate'
    ,@retentionWindow   = @retentionWindow
    ,@infoOnly          = 0

Cleanup output

sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow v0.10 (2021-05-07) (C) 2017-2021 Pavel Pawlowski
Cleans retention window for all tables associated with partition function

Feedback mail to:
Cleaning retention window for partition function [pf_partDate]
Partitions to Cleanup:
[          ]    [x] <  [2020-11-01]
[2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01]
Affected Partition Schemes And Tables:
  - [dbo].[tblDate1]
  - [dbo].[tblDate11]
  - [dbo].[tblDate2]
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4600180 +02:00 - Starting CLEANUP Process
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4610182 +02:00 - [dbo].[tblDate2] PARTITION 1 not empty. Starting TRUNCATE
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4620186 +02:00 - [dbo].[tblDate2] PARTITION 1 TRUNCATE completed
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4710215 +02:00 - [dbo].[tblDate11] PARTITION for range [2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01] not empty. Starting TRUNCATE
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4760227 +02:00 - [dbo].[tblDate11] PARTITION for range [2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01] TRUNCATE completed
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4770230 +02:00 - [pf_partDate] range [2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01] : Start MERGE into PARTITION 1
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4790237 +02:00 - [pf_partDate] range [2020-11-01] <= [x] <  [2020-12-01] : MERGE into PARTITION 1 completed. New range of PARTITION 1: [x] <  [2020-12-01]
2021-05-18 23:54:11.4790237 +02:00 - CLEANUP Process COMPLETED

Compared to the @infoOnly=1 output we see additional section “CLEANUP PROCESS’, which informs about the actual cleanup steps performed.

Procedure identified, that partition 1 of the [dbo].[tblDate2] was not empty and therefore performed TRUNCATE of the partition 1. Then it identified that the table [dbo].[tblDate11] has data in partition covering range between dates 2020-11-01 and 2020-12-01, therefore performed also truncate of that partitions. As there is no information about any truncate of the table [dbo].[tblDate1] it means the table had both affected partitions empty. The same is related to the other afected partitions of the [dbo].[tblDate2] and [dbo].[tblDate11].

After the partition cleanup it started the multi-step partition merge process. It merged each affected partition into the left most partition and informs about the new range of the leftmost partition 1.

If we again utilize the sp_HelpPartitionFunction we can see, that the partitions were properly cleared.

Azure support

The procedure supports also execution in Azure SQL Databases as well as Instances or Azure Synapse Analytics.

When deploying to Azure SQL Database or Synapse Analytics, comment-out the unsuported USE statement or ignore the eventual error as stated in the header of the procedure source file.

/* *****************************************************************************************
                                      AZURE SQL DB Notice

   Comment-out the unsupported USE [master] when running in Azure SQL DB/Synapse Analytics
   or ignore error caused by unsupported USE statement
******************************************************************************************** */

USE [master]

SQL Server Version Limitation

Because the procedure internally is using TRUNCATE TABLE WITH PARTITION , procedure is limited only to the SQL Server 2016 and above or Azure SQL Database, Azure Managed Instance and Azure Synapse Analytics.


The sp_tblCleanupRetentionWindow heavily simplifies the management of huge partitioned table and moves the complete maintenance of retention window into a single call of a stored procedure. Hopefully you will find the procedure usefull.

SQL Server – Cloning User Rights – New Refactored version of sp_CloneRights on GitHub

Just published a new updated and completely refactored version of the sp_CloneRights stored procedure.

The new version is available in my SQL Scripts repository on GitHub under the RightsManagement folder.

Procedure internals were completely refactored, added a new option in the to script classes (MS_SHIPPED). With this new script class the procedure now by default does not script permissions for schema bound objects which have set property “is_ms_shipped” – this means an object marked as system object. If you want to script permissions for such objects, you need to specify the MS_SHIPPED explicitly in the script classes list.

New parameters and parameters enhancements

The @scriptClass parameter was further enhanced and now supports wildcards. Example below shows scripting of permissions on all schema-scope objects except CLR objects.

    @principal = '%'
    ,@scriptClass = 'OBJECT,-%CLR%'

Previous versions added printing of informational messages about the permissions being assigned. current version further improves those information, but also introduces @noInfoMsgs parameter, which when set to 0 does not outputs that into the final script. How ti behaves can be seen in samples below in the New Output format section.

Azure Support

Stored procedure now supports also Azure SQL Database. When deploying procedure to azure SQL Database, remove or comment-out the unsupported USE [master] statement. You can also remove the USE statement in case you can to create the procedure in the user database. By default on SQL Server instance the procedure is created in the master database and marked as system object. Thanks to this it can be executed easily in every database and in case not specifying the @database parameter it runs in the context of current database.

/* *****************************************************************************************
	                                  AZURE SQL DB Notice

   Comment-out the unsupported USE [master] when running in Azure SQL DB/Synapse Analytics
   or ignore error caused by unsupported USE statement
***************************************************************************************** */
USE [master]

New Output format

Output of the function was changed so the script is no longer printed in to messages window of SSMS, but instead the procedure returns the script as a result set, which can be easily copied to target target window.

It is possible to use @noInfoMsg = 1 parameter to remove the printing of the informational messages from the script and keep only the permissions related statements:

Snippet of sample output with @noInfoMsg = 1
Snippet of sample output with @noInfoMsg = 1

Help for the updated function is available in the GitHub Wiki.

This article is follow-up of the previous related posts SQL Server – Cloning User Rights – updated sp_CloneRights on GitHub and Cloning user rights in database.

Revealing content of encrypted SSISDB Environment variables – sp_SSISListEnvironment

You may come to a situation when you need to update a password or some other kind of sensitive information in the SSISDB catalog environment variables. Eg. password has changed etc. The easiest way to ensure that you change the password in all variables/environments would be listing all variables in the SSISDB catalog that have the original value.

SSISDB provides view [catalog].[environment_variables] where you can list all variables and their values. Unfortunately for values which Sensitive flag is set to True, the value is NULL. So this view will not help you.

In case you are db_owner in the SSISDB catalog, you can list the content of the [internal].[environment_variables] table. This table has two columns [value] for normal values and [sensitive_value] for variables which Sensitive flag is set to True. Unfortunately the content of the [sensitive_value] is encrypted.

Revealing sensitive_value

The content of the sensitive_value is encrypted by symmetric key, which is protected by certificate. For each environment in SSISDB there is generated an unique pair of symmetric key and certificate, which secures the content of sensitive variables.

As can be seen on the above image, the symmetric keys are named “MS_Enckey_Env_” + ID of the Environment. Similarly the Certificates are named “MS_Cert_Env_” + ID of the Environment.

As mentioned above. The symmetric key used to encrypt sensitive content is protected by corresponding certificate and each certificate in the SSIDB is protected by the database master key. In case you are db_owner of the SSISDB database, you have CONTROL permission on the Certificate and you can utilize it to decrypt the symmetric key and utilize the symmetric key to decrypt the content of sensitive variables.

Decryption of Sensitive values

To decrypt the sensitive values we can use DECRYPTBYKEY function. But to use that we need to call OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY for each unique symmetric key as the sensitive variables in different environments are protected by different symmetric keys.

The easiest way to decrypt the sensitive values is to utilize DECRYPTBYKEYAUTOCERT. This allows automatic decryption of encrypted data by providing only ID of the certificate which protects the symmetric key.

Thanks to that we can easily write:

    ,DECRYPTBYKEYAUTOCERT(CERT_ID(N'MS_Cert_Env_' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20),  [environment_id])), NULL, [sensitive_value]) AS DecryptedValue
FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environment_variables]


With the above we can easily decrypt the [sensitive_value], however the decrypted content is not directly readable as the decrypted value is returned as binary data. To read the content we need to cast the binary data to appropriate data type. Normally we would need to case the content by the variable type, but SSISDB already has a function to get the content by its type. There is internal function in the catalog for that purposes: [internal].[get_value_by_data_type]. This simplifies revealing of the content.

    ,[internal].[get_value_by_data_type](DECRYPTBYKEYAUTOCERT(CERT_ID(N'MS_Cert_Env_' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20), [environment_id])), NULL, [sensitive_value]), [type]) AS DecryptedValue
FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environment_variables]



To simplify all the process you can utilize a sp_SSISListEnvironment stored procedure I have published on GitHub in my SQL Scripts repository.

The stored procedure allows listing environment variables and their values from multiple folders/environments and allows easy filtering based on folder/environment/variable names by utilizing wildcards as well it allows searching variables by the content (values).

By a simple call of the stored procedure we can easily receive similar results as above.

    @folder = '%'
    ,@decryptSensitive = 1




For help and detailed usage you can invoke sp_SSISListEnvironment without any parameters.

The scripts grants execution of the stored procedure to the ssis_admin database role, so all ssis_admin members are able to decrypt the sensitive content. You should modify the GRANT in the script to meet your security requirements.

PP.SSIS Custom Components Updated on GitHub

An updated version of custom SSIS Data Flow and Control Flow components were published on GitHub

The update brings seamless Upgrade/Downgrade functionality in VS 2015 and VS 2017 by simple selection of Destination Platform (SSIS 2012 – SSIS 2017).

Data Flow Components

  • Hash Column Transformation
  • Columns To Xml Transformation
  • RegEx Extraction Transformation
  • Row Number Tranformation
  • History Lookup Transformation
  • Lookup Error Aggregation Transformation

Control Flow Components

  • Variables To Xml Task
  • Sleep Task
  • Wait For File Task
  • Wait For Signal Task
  • Wait For Time Task

To build the Components, run Visual Studio as Administrator, than it takes care about registering  the components in GAC as well as copying the dll  as well as Extensions and Upgrade Mappings xml files to appropriate directories.

If Visual Studio is not running as administrator, copying of the above files will fail and you have to manually register the components in GAC as well as you have to copy the Dll files as well as the Extensions and Upgrade Mappings to appropriate DTS directories.

Proper target directories you can find in the Posst Build events settings in individual projects.

Clone / Copy SSIS Catalog Project Configuration – sp_SSISCloneConfiguration GitHub

When you deploy a SSIS project to SSIS Catalog, you have the possibility to Configure the deployed SSIS project so you do not need to pass the parameter execution values each time you are executing the the project packages. You can configure the project to use explicitly provided value or you can use reference to Environment Variables.

This is very useful feature, however if you are using multiple environments, like DEV, TEST, QA, PROD, then you have to handle that configuration in each of the environments. To simplify the process of setting up the parameter, you can scrip the configuration.

The pitfall of scripting the configuration is, that you can do that automatically only during initial setup of the configuration. Once you confirm the configuration values in SSMS, there is no possibility to script-out any existing configuration.


sp_SSISCloneConfiguration is a custom stored procedure which takes care about cloning/copying the configurations among different projects in the same SSISDB catalog as well as it provides functionality to generate reusable scripts to easily re-apply the configurations even among different SSIS Servers.

The stored procedure also takes care about sensitive values re-encryption when those are being cloned as SSISS is using different encryption keys for each project in the SSIS catalog, so simple copy of the encrypted values does not work among different projects.

The stored procedure executes in the context of the AllSchemaOwner database user in the SSISDB, which ensure access to all areas of SSISDB including the needed certificates and symmetric keys to allow scripting. The actual re-application of the configuration script is running in the context of the caller as the Internal SSIS catalog stored procedures for configuring projects needs to be executed in the context of windows credentials.

The create scripts grants EXECUTE permission to the sssis_admin database role in the SSISDB catalog so the SSSIS admins can utilize that stored procedure.

Be careful, anyone with EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure is capable of seeing decrypted sensitive values when printing the script. The script by default grants that permission to ssis_admin database role. If you want to keep that functionality only to sysadmins, remove the GRANT at the end of the script.

The complete source code for the sp_SSISCloneConfiguration is available in my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub in the SSISDB folder.

The syntax of the stored procedure is as follow:

    @sourceFolder             = 'Source Folder Name'
   ,@sourceProject            = 'Source Project Name'
   ,@sourceObject             = 'Optional Source Object Name'
   ,@destinationFolder        = 'Optional Destination Folder Name'
   ,@destinationProject       = 'Optional Destination Project Name'
   ,@printScript              = 1 --Specifies whether only script should be printed
   ,@decryptSensitiveInScript = 1 --Specifies whether sensitive values should be decrypted in script

When the procedure copies the configuration, it applies the source configurations to target. If on the target are any other configuration, those are not touched by the cloning script. In order to have exact configuration, the configurations on target project should be reset.

The generated script is also easily reusable as there are two variables in the beginning for specification of the destination folder and project. By simple modification of those variables the script will apply the configuration on different projects in different folders.


The procedure has several parameters where some are required and some optional

The core parameters are @sourceFolder, @sourceProject . The @sourceObject, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject, @printScript and @decryptSensistiveInScript are optional.

@source Folder

Specifies the source folder where the source project is located


Specifies the name of the source project from within source folder to be scripted


Optional name of the Source Object. It specifies name of the object withing the project which configuration should be scripted. It can point to project name or to individual package names. When provided, then only configurations related to that object are cloned or scripted.


Name of the folder of destination project to which the configuration should be cloned. This parameter is optional and if not provided than the source folder name is being used.


Name of the destination project to which the configuration should be coned. This parameter is optional and if not provided, then the name of the source project is used. If the destination is not provided or matches the source project (both folders and projects are the same), then the @printScript parameter is enforced to 1 and script is always generated.


Specifies whether a script should be printed into the output window. If yes, then you simply copy the script from the output window and you can apply it immediatelly on other SSIS Instance.

Default value = 0, this means that the script executes within the SSISDB catalog and automatically clones the configuration unless it is enforced when source matches destination or destination is not provided.


Specifeis whether sensitive values should be decrypted in the script.If yes, then the values are part of the script in plain-text form, however they are marked sensitive and will be encrypted after applying the script.

If the parameter is 0 (Default), then the sensitive values are not scripted out and instead NULL value is being scripted out. User must then fill those missing values prior execution of the script.

Sample Output

Below is sample script generated by the stored procedure when @printScript=1 and @decryptSensitiveInScript=1

RAISERROR(N'sp_SSISCloneConfiguration v0.10 (2016-12-18) (C) 2016 Pavel Pawlowski', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'=====================================================================', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

DECLARE @destinationFolder nvarchar(128) = N'Test' --Specify Destination Folder Name
DECLARE @destinationProject nvarchar(128) = N'DataLoading' --Specify Destination Project Name

--Checking for destination folder existence
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] WHERE [name] = @destinationFolder)
RAISERROR(N'Destination folder [%s] does not exists.', 15, 0, @destinationFolder) WITH NOWAIT;
--Checking for destination project existence
FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[projects] p
INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = p.folder_id
WHERE = @destinationFolder AND = @destinationProject)
RAISERROR(N'Destination project [%s]\[%s] does not exists.', 15, 1, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;

--Project parameters configuration
DECLARE @var sql_variant

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[SourceDB_ConnectionString]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'SourceDB_ConnectionString', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'R', @parameter_value = N'SourceDB_ConnectionString'

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[Interval]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'120');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'Interval', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoading]\[SecurePassword]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'Pa$$w0rd'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=20, @parameter_name = N'SecurePassword', @object_name = @destinationProject, @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var

RAISERROR(N'Creating Configuration [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[DataLoad.dtsx]\[SourceTableName]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'Person');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] @object_type=30, @parameter_name = N'SourceTableName', @object_name = N'DataLoad.dtsx', @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @project_name = @destinationProject, @value_type = 'V', @parameter_value = @var
RAISERROR(N'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'There are configurations using Environment varaibles references.', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'DON''T FORGET TO SET ENVIRONMENT REFERENCES for project [%s]\[%s].', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationProject) WITH NOWAIT
RAISERROR(N'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

Generating Partition Function – sp_tblCreatePartitionFunction available don GitHub

If you are working with large databases you have come to situation when you need to partition the large tables.

To be able to partition a table, you need to create a Partition Function. Creation of Partition Function is quite easy, however if you need to create a larger number of partitions at initial phase, it can be pretty annoying as you have to define all the ranges for each partition. Also it is easy to make a type in the list of boundary values and as a result create a partition function with wrong partition alignment.

To simplify that process I’m presenting here a stored procedure which takes care about that and generates the partition function automatically based on input parameters


As mentioned above, the sp_tblCreatePartitionFunction takes care about generation of the partition function based on input parameters.

You can find complete source code in my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub under the TablesManagement\Partitioning folder.

The stored procedure provides support for generation of ranges based on smallint, int, bigint, date, datetime and datetime2 data types.

Stored procedure generates a partition function with boundary values between @rangeStart and @rangeEnd parameters.

The stored procedure is marked as system stored procedure in the script so it means that it can operate in the context of the current user database.


The input parameters define the ranges and the way how the partition function is generated

The available input parameters for the function are @pfName, @rangeStart, @rangeEnd, @boundaryType, @incrementValue, @incrementUnit, @useIntegerDates, @integerFormatType and @printScriptOnly


Defines the partition function Name. the parameter data type is nvarchar(128) which corresponds to sysname.


Defines the starting range for generation of the partition function. The parameter is sql_variant. You have to pass parameter of supported data type for the range. As mentioned above the supported data types are smallint, int, bigint, date, datetime and datetime2.

To simplify specification of the range, you can pass the parameter as string. If the value passed as string represents a DateTime it is automatically converted to datetime data type.

You can also pass a value with a data type specifier. The data type specifier must be first character of the string and the value must follow. The supported data type specifiers are 'D' - date, 'T' - datetime, 'B' - bigint, 'I' - int and 'S' - smallint.

Below are some examples of supported strings passed as @rangeStart :

Sample value Result
'2016-01-01' Converted to datetime 2016-01-01
20160101 Converted to datetime 2016-01-01
D2016-01-01 Converted to date 2016-01-01
T20160101 Converted to datetime 2016-01-01
B1010 Converted to bigint 100
I1010 Converted to int 100
S1010 Converted to smallint 100

The @rangeStart representing a date can be altered during the partition function generation based on the @incrementUnit parameter. The @rangeStart is shifted to the beginning of corresponding unit.. See the @incrementUnit parameter for details.

The @rangeStart is included in the generated ranges.


Represents then end of range which should be generated for the partition function. The supported data types are the same as for the @rangeStart. See the @rangeStart for details.

The @rangeEnd is inclusive in the range, but may not be included in the final generated partition function in dependency on the @incrementValue and @incrementUnit parameters. See those parameters for details.


Specifies the boundary type of the boundary values for the partition function. It can be either LEFT or RIGHT. It defines whether the boundary value is included in the left or right partition respective to the boundary value. Default value is RIGHT.


Defines increment of the boundary values. This means that the @rangeStart value is incremented by the @incrementValue until @rangeEnd is reached.


Specifies the unit of the increment. It is being used only for range values representing date. The allowed units are YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, ISO_WEEK, DAY.

In each iteration step the @rangeStart value is incremented by the @incrementValue number of @incrementUnit.

Also the @incrementUnit may have impact on the @rangeStart value. If the @rangeStart value does not point to the first day of respective unit, it is being automatically shifted to the beginning of corresponding unit based on the @rangeStart value.

Samples of @rangeStart shifting:

@rangeStart @incrementUnit @rangeStart shifted to
'2016-03-17' YEAR '2016-01-01'
'2016-03-17' MONTH '2016-03-01'
'2016-03-17' WEEK '2016-03-14'
'2016-01-01' ISO_WEEK '2015-12-28'


Specifies whether boundary values representing dates in the partition function should be represented as int date types or corresponding date, datetime or datetime2 data type. In case of  @useIntegerDates = 0 the boundary value is always first day of corresponding @incrementUnit.

In case of @useIntegerDates = 1 the boundary value is expressed as integer number and the value representing the range depends on the @integerFormatType parameter. See the @integerFormatType for details

It is being used only for date ranges. Default value is 1.


Specifies integer format of date range value. When the partition function is being generated and date ranges are being used, the range value is internally always represented by a first day of corresponding rage. if the @useIntegerDate = 1 the final boundary value is generated based on the format type.

Supported format types are:

FormatType Boundary value formatting
1 yyyyMMdd For example 20160101
2 yyyyxx(x) where xxx(x) correspond to appropriate month, week or day within particular year. For example 2016053 represents a day 53 of year 2016. 201643 represents week or iso_week 43 in year 2016

Default value is 2.


Specifies whether only the partition function CREATE script is being printed or the partition function is being automatically crated.

The default value is 1, this means that only script is printed.


Below are some sample usages of the stored procedure.

Sample 1

    @pfName = 'myPf'
   ,@rangeStart = 1
   ,@rangeEnd = 1001
   ,@boundaryType = 'RIGHT'
   ,@incrementvalue = 100

Sample 2

    @pfName = 'myPf'
   ,@rangeStart = '2016-01-01'
   ,@rangeEnd = '2020-12-31'
   ,@boundaryType = 'RIGHT'
   ,@incrementvalue = 1
   ,@incrementUnit = 'YEAR'
   ,@useIntegerDates = 1
   ,@integerFormatType = 2


Sample 3

    @pfName = 'myPf'
   ,@rangeStart = '2016-01-01'
   ,@rangeEnd = '2016-12-31'
   ,@boundaryType = 'LEFT'
   ,@incrementvalue = 1
   ,@incrementUnit = 'MONTH'
   ,@useIntegerDates = 1
   ,@integerFormatType = 2

Sample 4

    @pfName = 'myPf'
   ,@rangeStart = '2016-01-01'
   ,@rangeEnd = '2016-12-31'
   ,@boundaryType = 'LEFT'
   ,@incrementvalue = 1
   ,@incrementUnit = 'MONTH'
   ,@useIntegerDates = 0

Getting Database Rights Assignment Overview – sp_HelpRights on GitHub

You have a user database with bunch of users and database roles and other database principla types. You need to have an insight into the rights assignments. You would like to know what rights are assigned to particular database principal.

The above task can be quite tricky as the rights on database objects can be granted or denied directly to particular database principal. However each of the database principal can have rights assignment inherited through database or application roles and there can be even a hierarchy of roles membership.

Getting a clear overview about the rights assignment in such situation is very problematic.

The sp_HelpRights procedure can bring you a clear overview about the rights assignments as it lists all the rights granted/revoked toindividual database principals even thoseinherited through roles hierarchy including the complete inheritance path.

Anyway, do not mess this with effective rights for particular user. This is not aim of the stored procedure.

If you want to see effectiverights for particular user, use SSMS princiapl properties to list those (although even this is not fully accurate as it does not reflect rights assigned through server roles membership and many other).


As mentioned above the sp_HelpRights procedure returns an overview of rights assignments in the database.

You can find full source code of the sp_HelpRights as part of my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub in the RightsManagement folder. The script marks the stored procedure as system object so it can run in the context of the current user database.


The syntax for the sp_HelpRights is quite sraighforward:

sp_HelpRights [parameters]

To display help for the stored procedure invoke

sp_HelpRights '?'


The stored procedure has only two optional parameters @databases and @principals


A Comma separated list of the databases for which the rights overview should be generated. Default value NULL means current database.

The parameter suport wildcards and exclusion if [-] is used as first character of the name or wildcard.

Sample value Meaning
% All databases
%,-m% All databases except databases starting with m
DBA, User%, -User1% Dtabase [DBA] and all databases starting with User but not starting with User1
? Print help for the sp_HelpRights


A comma separated list of database principals forwhich the rights overview should be printed. The default value NULL means all database principals

Again the parameter supports wildcards and the syntax is the same as for the @datbases paramter.

sp_HelpRights Output

Invoking the procedure without any parameters shows an overview for the current database and a sample  output looks like below:

sp_HelpRights output overview

The output provides overview about all permissions assignments between database objects and database principals and mentioned at the beginnin of the post.

It lists all database principasl on which the permission has some effect even the permission was not GRANTED/DENIED to it, the original grantee (database principal to which the permission was originally granted), a complete inheritance path and as well the database principal which granted/denied the permission.

Let’s look on the below output:

Sample 1


In the First line of the Sample 1 we have a right assignment to the DATABASE. the Right is CONNECT and the state is GRANT. The rigth assignment has effect on the windows user DatabasePrincipalName = 'NT SERVICE\ReportServer'. We can see that the original grantee of that permission is also the NT SERVICE\Report Server and this means that the permission ws granted directly to that user. it is also clearly visible in the PermissionInheritancePath column as there is only name of that datbase principal. We can also see that the permission was granted by dbo.

On the second line of Sample 1 we have a different case. We see a GRANT of EXECUTE permission on the dbo.CreateSegmentedChunk stored procdure. We can clearly see, that this permission has effect on the DatabasePrincipalName = 'NT SERVICE\ReportServer'. But we can also clearly see, that this permission was not directly granted to the NT SERVICE\ReportServer,  but insted the original grantee was RSExecRole database role. The PermissionInheritancePath also shows that that permission was granted to the NT SERVICE\ReportServer directly from the RSExecRole database role.

Sample 2


The Sample2 shows a case where there are multiple levels in the inheritance. Wecan see, that the GRANT of SELECT permission on the user table dbo.TestTable has effect on the TestUser datbase principal. But we can clearly see that this permission was not directly granted to that user, bu theoriginal grantee of that permission is database role DBRoleA.

From the PermissionInheritancePath we can alsosee, that the permission has efect on the TestUser through membership in the DBRoleB database role and that the database role DBRoleB is member of the DBRoleA. Therefore the complete inheritance path is DBRoleA => DBRoleB => TestUser.


As mentioned through the article as as can be seen in the samples, the output of the stored procedure can bring you a clear insigths into rights assignments in your database environment and can be very helpfull for database rights auditing to get clear view of who has or does not has acces where, even there are multiple levels of complex roles membership.

Anyway, the one looking on the output must be clear, that the output does not provide information about the effective permissions of listed database principals.

Any somments and/or suggestions are welcomed.

Clone / Copy SSIS Server Variables Among Environments – sp_SSISCloneEnvironment on GitHub

You have SSIS projects deployed in the SSISDB catalog. You are using environments and environment variables for passing parameter values to SSIS Executables. This is a very common scenario.

You come to a situation that you need transfer the SSIS projects, environments and varaibles among different SSIS environments (DEV/TEST/QA/PROD). You already have bunch of environment variables defined in one of your environment and you need to transfer those to other environment.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to clone, copy or script the varaibles to transfer them to different environment. If you do not script them during creation in the SSMS, there is no option in SSMS to script them out. If you do not want to type all the varaibles manually again, you have to script those in some way.

Anyway the proper scripting or clonning is not completely trivial in case sensitive varaible values are being used as SSISDB uses multiple symmetric keys and certificates for the encryption and each Environment in the SSISDB has its own key and corresponding certificate. When cloning such sensitive value, the value needs to be decrypted with the source environment symmetric key and re-encrypted by the destination environment symmetric key.


sp_SSISCloneEnvironment is a custom stored procedure which takes care about cloning the SSSI server variables among different environments in the same SSISDB catalog as well as it allows generate a script, which can be re-applied on even oon other SSIS Instance.

The stored procedure takes care about sensitive values re-encryption by proper certificate when clonning. As mentioned above, SSIS generates a separate symmetric key and certificate for each environment. To ensure proper future functionality, the stored procedure takes care about decryption of the sensitive variables when reading from current environment and re-encryption by proper destination environment symmetric key.

The stored procedure executes in the context of the AllSchemaOwner database user in the SSISDB, which ensure access to all areas of SSISDB including the needed certificates and symmetric keys. Only in areas where it needs to create a folder or environment it switches the context to the caller of the stored procedure as the procedures which are taking care abut the folder and environment creation must be executed under windows credentials.

The create scripts grants EXECUTE permission to the sssis_admin database role in the SSISDB catalog so the SSSIS admins can utilize that stored procedure.

Be carefull, anyone with EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure is capable of seeing decrypted sensitive values when printing the script. The script by default grants that permission to ssis_admin database role. If you want to keep that functionality only to sysadmins, remove the GRANT at the end of the script.

The complete source code for the sp_SSISCloneEnvironment is available in my SQL-Scripts project on GitHub in the SSISDB folder.

The syntax of the stored procedure is as follow:

   @sourceFolder                = 'Source Folder Name'
  ,@sourceEnvironment           = 'Source Environment Name'
  ,@destinationFolder           = 'Destination Folder Name'
  ,@destinationEnvironment      = 'Destination Environment Name'
  ,@autoCreate                  = 1 --Auto Create Destination
  ,@printScript                 = 1 --Specifies that Create Script should be output instead of actual execution
  ,@decryptSensitiveInScript    = 1 --Specifies that the sensitive values should be decrypted in the create script

Currently when cloning the environment variables the destination environment must be empty if script is not being generated and the procedure is running in the non-interactive mode.

The generated script is also easily reusable as there are two variables in the beginning for specification of the destination folder and environment. By simple modification of those variables the script will generate the variables different environments.


The procedure has several parameters where some are required and some optional

The core parameters are @sourceFolder, @sourceEnvironment and @destinationFolder. The @destinationEnvornment, @autoCreate, @printScript and @decryptSensistiveInScript are optional.

@source Folder

Specifies the source folder where the source environment is located


Specifies the name of the source environment from within source folder to be scripted


Name of the destination folder to wich the environment varaibles should be clonned.


Name of the destination environment to which the varaibles should be conned. This parameter is optional and if not provided, then the name of the source environment is used.


Specifies whether the destination foolde and destination environment should be automatically crated if they do not exist. If the script is being generated then a statement which checks existence of the folder and environment are included in the script and missing folder and/or environment is automatically created if needed by the script.

Default value is 1 = true


Specifies whether a script should be printed into the output window. If yes, then you simply copy the script from the output window and you can apply it immediatelly on other SSIS Instance.

Default value = 0, this means that the script executes within the SSISDB catalog and automatically clnes the variables


Specifeis whether sensitive values should be decrypted in the script.If yes, then the values are part of the script in plain-text form, howver they are marked sensitive and will be encrypted after applying the script.

If the parameter is 0 (Default), then the sensitive values are not scripted out and instead NULL value is being scripted out. User must then fill those missing values priorexecution of the script.

Sample Output

Below is sample script generated by the stored procedure when @printScript=1 and @decryptSensitiveInScript=1

RAISERROR(N'sp_SSISCloneEnvironment v0.20 (2016-10-11) (C) 2016 Pavel Pawlowski', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;
RAISERROR(N'===================================================================', 0, 0) WITH NOWAIT;

DECLARE @destinationFolder nvarchar(128) = N'TEST' --Specify Destination Folder Name
DECLARE @destinationEnvironment nvarchar(128) = N'ClonedEnvironment' --Specify Destination Environment Name

--Checking for destination folder existence
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] WHERE [name] = @destinationFolder)
    RAISERROR(N'Creating missing Folder [%s]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder) WITH NOWAIT;
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_folder] @folder_name = @destinationFolder

--Checking for destination environment existence
    SELECT 1
    FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[environments] e
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = e.folder_id
    WHERE f.[name] = @destinationFolder AND e.[name] = @destinationEnvironment
    RAISERROR(N'Creating missing Environment [%s]\[%s]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT
    EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] @folder_name = @destinationFolder, @environment_name = @destinationEnvironment, @environment_description = N''

--Checking for variables existence in destination eivnironment
    SELECT 1
    FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[environment_variables] ev
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[environments] e ON e.environment_id = ev.environment_id
    INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[catalog].[folders] f ON f.folder_id = e.folder_id
    WHERE = @destinationFolder AND = @destinationEnvironment
    RAISERROR(N'Destination Environment [%s]\[%s] is not empty. Clear all variables prior clonning environment.', 15, 2, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;

--Environment variables creation
DECLARE @var sql_variant

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V1]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(bit, N'1');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V1', @data_type=N'Boolean', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V10]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'This is string parameters');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V10', @data_type=N'String', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V11]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(sql_variant, N'This is sensitive string'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V11', @data_type=N'String', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V12]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(datetime, N'2010-12-31T00:00:00'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V12', @data_type=N'DateTime', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V13]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(decimal(28, 18), N'99.990000000000000000'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V13', @data_type=N'Decimal', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V14]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'56'); --SENSITIVE
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V14', @data_type=N'Int32', @sensitive=True, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V2]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(tinyint, N'5');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V2', @data_type=N'Byte', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V3]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(datetime, N'2016-01-01T00:00:00');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V3', @data_type=N'DateTime', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V4]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(decimal(28, 18), N'12.390000000000000000');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V4', @data_type=N'Decimal', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V5]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(float, N'156.987');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V5', @data_type=N'Double', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V6]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(int, N'123456');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V6', @data_type=N'Int32', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V7]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(bigint, N'987654321');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V7', @data_type=N'Int64', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V8]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(smallint, N'9');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V8', @data_type=N'SByte', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

RAISERROR(N'Creating variable [SSISDB]\[%s]\[%s]\[V9]', 0, 0, @destinationFolder, @destinationEnvironment) WITH NOWAIT;
SET @var = CONVERT(float, N'56');
EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @variable_name=N'V9', @data_type=N'Single', @sensitive=False, @folder_name=@destinationFolder, @environment_name=@destinationEnvironment, @value=@var, @description=N''

SQL Server – Cloning User Rights – updated sp_CloneRights on GitHub

I’ve just made publicly available on GitHub a more advanced version of my original sp_CloneRights stored procedure I’ve posted in posted in past Cloning user rights in database.

The new stored procedure is available in my SQL-Scripts repository on GitHub under in the RightsManagement Folder.

The new stored procedure allows scripting of user rights for single or multiple users, it allows specification of the object classes for which permissions should be scripted and other things.

The stored procedure scripts mark the stored procedure as system stored procedure so when executed it runs in the context of current database.

Running the sp_CloneRights without any parameters will print help for the stored procedure.

Sample usages

Below are some sample usages and outputs

Getting Help


will print for the stored procedure:

PRINT 'sp_CloneRights v0.20 (2015-05-14) (C) 2010-2015 Pavel Pawlowski'
PRINT '==============================================================='

Clones rights and/or group membership for specified user(s)

[sp_CloneRights] parameters

    @user          sysname         = NULL  - Comma separated list of user names to sciprt rights. Supports wildcards when eg '%' means all users
   ,@newUser       sysname         = NULL  - New user to which copy rights. If New users is provided, @Old user must return exactly one record
   ,@scriptClass   nvarchar(max)   = NULL  - Comma separated list of permission classes to script. NULL = ALL
   ,@printOnly     bit             = 1     - When 1 then only script is printed on screen, when 0 then also script is executed, when NULL, script is only executed and not printed
                                        - When @newUser is not provided then it is always 1

ScriptClass                        Description
--------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROLES_MEMBERSHIP                   Scripts roles membership
DATABASE                           Scripts permissions on Database
SCHEMA                             Scripts permissions on all schemas

OBJECT                             Scripts permissions on all schema scoped objects
TABLE                              Scripts permissions on user tables and/or table columns
SYSTEM_TABLE                       Scripts permissions on system tables and/or table columns. SYSTEM_TABLE must be explicitly specified
VIEW                               Scripts permissions on all views/andor view columns
STORED_PROCEDURE                   Scripts permissions on stored procedrues
SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE               Scripts permissions on SQL stored procedrues
CLR_STORED_PROCEDURE               Scripts permissions on CLR stored procedrues
EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE          Scripts permissions on Extended stored procedrues. EXTENDED_STORED_PROCEDURE must be explicitly specified
FUNCTION                           Scripts permissions on all functions
SQL_FUNCTION                       Scripts permissions on all SQL functions
CLR_FUNCTION                       Scripts permissions on all CLR functions
INLINE_FUNCTION                    Scripts permissions on all inline table-valued functions
SCALAR_FUNCTION                    Scripts permissions on all scalar functions
TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION              Scripts permissions on all table-valued functions
SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION                Scripts permissions on all SQL scalar functions
SQL_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION          Scripts permissions on all SQL table-valued functions
CLR_SCALAR_FUNCTION                Scripts permissions on all CLR functions
CLR_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION          Scripts permissions on all CLR table-valued functions
AGGREGATE_FUNCTION                 Scripts permissions on all CLR aggregate functions
SYNONYM                            Scripts permissions on all synonyms
SEQUENCE                           Scripts permissions on all sequences

DATABASE_PRINCIPAL                 Scripts permissions on all database principals
ROLE                               Scripts permissions on all roles
APPLICATION_ROLE                   Scripts permissions on all application Roles
DATABASE_ROLE                      Scripts permissions on all database Roles
USER                               Scripts permissions on all users
WINDOWS_GROUP                      Scripts permissions on all Windows group users
SQL_USER                           Scripts permissions on all SQL users
WINDOWS_USER                       Scripts permissions on all Windows users
CERTIFICATE_MAPPED_USER            Scripts permissions on all certificate mapped users
ASYMMETRIC_KEY_MAPPED_USER         Scripts permissions on all asymmetric key mapped users

TYPE                               Scripts permissions on all Types
ASSEMBLY                           Scripts permissions on all assemblies
XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION              Scripts permissions on all XML schema collections

SERVICE_BROKER                     Scripts permissions on all service broker related bojects
MESSAGE_TYPE                       Scripts permissions on all message types
SERVICE_CONTRACT                   Scripts permissions on all service contracts
SERVICE                            Scripts permissions on all services
REMOTE_SERVICE_BINDING             Scripts permissions on all remote service bindings
ROUTE                              Scripts permissions on all routes

FULLTEXT                           Scripts permissions on all Fulltext related objects (catalogs and stoplists)
FULLTEXT_CATALOG                   Scripts permissions on all fulltext catalogs
FULLTEXT_STOPLIST                  Scripts permissions on all fulltext stoplists

ENCRYP{TION                        Scripts permissions on all encryptions related objects
SYMMETRIC_KEY                      Scripts permissions on all symmetric keys
ASYMMETRIC_KEY                     Scripts permissions on all asymmetric keys
CERTIFICATE                        Scripts permissions on all certificates

Clone all rights of all users in the current database

sp_cloneRights '%'

Cloning users rights of the RSExecRole

sp_CloneRights 'RSExecRole'

Executing the above script in newly created Report Server database (standalone – not SharePoint integrated) will produce below output:

PRINT 'sp_CloneRights v0.20 (2015-05-14) (C) 2010-2015 Pavel Pawlowski'
PRINT '==============================================================='

--Database Context
USE [ReportServer]

PRINT N'Cloning permissions from [RSExecRole] to [RSExecRole]'

PRINT N'Clonning Role Memberships'
EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_owner', @membername = 'RSExecRole'

PRINT N'Clonning permission on user tables'
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DBUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ServerUpgradeHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Keys] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Keys] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Keys] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Keys] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Keys] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[History] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[History] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[History] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[History] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[History] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionResults] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionResults] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionResults] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionResults] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionResults] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Favorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Favorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Favorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Favorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Favorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Catalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Catalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Catalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Catalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Catalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SubscriptionsBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelDrill] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelDrill] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelDrill] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelDrill] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelDrill] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Segment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Segment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Segment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Segment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Segment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkSegmentMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CachePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CachePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CachePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CachePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CachePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Users] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Users] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Users] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Users] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Users] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Policies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Policies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Policies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Policies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Policies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SecData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SecData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SecData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SecData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SecData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Roles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Roles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Roles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Roles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Roles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PolicyUserRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PolicyUserRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PolicyUserRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PolicyUserRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PolicyUserRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Event] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Event] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Event] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Event] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Event] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Subscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Subscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Subscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Subscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Subscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ActiveSubscriptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SnapshotData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SnapshotData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SnapshotData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SnapshotData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SnapshotData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChunkData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Notifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Notifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Notifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Notifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Notifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Batch] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Batch] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Batch] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Batch] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Batch] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Schedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Schedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Schedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Schedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Schedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT DELETE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT INSERT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT UPDATE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

PRINT N'Clonning permission on views'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

PRINT N'Clonning permission on SQL stored procedures'
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateSegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetTaskProperties] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReadChunkSegment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteTask] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[WriteChunkSegment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSchedulesReports] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateChunkSegment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[EnforceCacheLimits] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[IsSegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ShallowCopyChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteReportSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeepCopySegment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSnapShotSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveSegmentedMapping] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateTimeBasedSubscriptionSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveSegment] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetTimeBasedSubscriptionSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[MigrateExecutionLog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddRunningJob] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[TempChunkExists] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveRunningJob] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateEditSession] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateRunningJob] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendEditSessionLifetime] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetMyRunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanExpiredEditSessions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListRunningJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetCacheLastUsed] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanExpiredJobs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSharePointPathsForUpgrade] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateObject] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSharePointSchedulePathsForUpgrade] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteObject] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindObjectsNonRecursive] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpgradeSharePointPaths] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindObjectsRecursive] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpgradeSharePointSchedulePaths] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindParents] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindObjectsByLink] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddDataSet] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetIDPairsByLink] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetChildrenBeforeDelete] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDataSetForExecution] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetAllProperties] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetObjectContent] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSubscriptionResult] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[LoadForDefinitionCheck] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindKpiItemsByDataSet] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[LoadForRepublishing] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetAllFavoriteItems] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindFavoriteableItemsNonRecursive] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RebindDataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindFavoriteableItemsRecursive] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RebindDataSet] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[IsFavoriteItem] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetUserServiceToken] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveItemFromFavorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserServiceToken] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddItemToFavorites] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetUserSettings] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserSettings] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetCompiledDefinition] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetReportForExecution] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetReportParametersForExecution] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[MoveObject] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDBVersion] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ObjectExists] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetAllProperties] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FlushCacheByID] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FlushReportFromCache] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetObjectContent] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetLastModified] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetNameById] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddDataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetKeysForInstallation] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetAnnouncedKey] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ChangeStateOfDataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AnnounceOrGetKey] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindItemsByDataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetMachineName] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindItemsByDataSet] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListInstallations] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[FindItemsByDataSourceRecursive] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListSubscriptionIDs] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListInfoForReencryption] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetRoles] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDatasourceInfoForReencryption] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetReencryptedDatasourceInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReadRoleProperties] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSubscriptionInfoForReencryption] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetRoleProperties] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetReencryptedSubscriptionInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetPoliciesForRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetClientSecret] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdatePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserServiceTokenForReencryption] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetReencryptedUserServiceToken] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSystemPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteEncryptedContent] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetModelItemPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteKey] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdatePolicyPrincipal] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetAllConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdatePolicyRole] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetOneConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetConfigurationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSystemPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddEvent] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeletePolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteEvent] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateSession] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanEventRecords] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteModelItemPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddExecutionLogEntry] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteAllModelItemPolicies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExpireExecutionLogEntries] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetModelItemInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserIDBySid] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetModelDefinition] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserIDByName] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddModelPerspective] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserID] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteModelPerspectives] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUserIDWithNoCreate] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetModelsAndPerspectives] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetPrincipalID] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetModelPerspectives] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DereferenceSessionSnapshot] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeliveryRemovedInactivateSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSessionData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddSubscriptionToBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[WriteLockSession] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveSubscriptionFromBeingDeleted] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CheckSessionLock] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSessionData] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSnapshotFromHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListSubscriptionsUsingDataSource] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanExpiredSessions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSubscriptionStatus] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanExpiredCache] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSubscriptionLastRunInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSessionCredentials] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSessionParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[InvalidateSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ClearSessionSnapshot] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanNotificationRecords] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[RemoveReportFromSession] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateSnapShotNotifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanBrokenSnapshots] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateDataDrivenNotification] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanOrphanedSnapshots] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateNewActiveSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetCacheOptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateActiveSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetCacheOptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteActiveSubscription] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddReportToCache] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateCacheUpdateNotifications] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetExecutionOptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetCacheSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetExecutionOptions] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteNotification] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSnapshot] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetNotificationAttempt] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateChunkAndGetPointer] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateTimeBasedSubscriptionNotification] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[WriteChunkPortion] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteTimeBasedSubscriptionSchedule] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetChunkPointerAndLength] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListUsedDeliveryProviders] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetChunkInformation] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddBatchRecord] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ReadChunkPortion] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetBatchRecords] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CopyChunksOfType] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteBatchRecords] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteSnapshotAndChunks] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanBatchRecords] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteOneChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanOrphanedPolicies] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateRdlChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[IncreaseTransientSnapshotRefcount] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeletePersistedStreams] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DecreaseTransientSnapshotRefcount] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteExpiredPersistedStreams] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[MarkSnapshotAsDependentOnUser] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeletePersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSnapshotProcessingFlags] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetSnapshotChunksVersion] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[LockPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[LockSnapshotForUpgrade] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[WriteFirstPortionPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[InsertUnreferencedSnapshot] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[WriteNextPortionPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[PromoteSnapshotInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetFirstPortionPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSnapshotPaginationInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetPersistedStreamError] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSnapshotPromotedInfo] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetNextPortionPersistedStream] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[AddHistoryRecord] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSnapshotChunks] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetHistoryLimit] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetDrillthroughReports] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListHistory] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteDrillthroughReports] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanHistoryForReport] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDrillthroughReports] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanAllHistories] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDrillthroughReport] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteHistoryRecord] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetUpgradeItems] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteAllHistoryForReport] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[SetUpgradeItemStatus] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[DeleteHistoriesWithNoPolicy] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetPolicyRoots] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[Get_sqlagent_job_status] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetDataSourceForUpgrade] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateTask] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetSubscriptionsForUpgrade] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateTask] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[StoreServerParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateScheduleNextRunTime] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetServerParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListScheduledReports] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CleanExpiredServerParameters] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListTasks] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CopyChunks] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ListTasksForMaintenance] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[CreateNewSnapshotVersion] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ClearScheduleConsistancyFlags] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[UpdateSnapshotReferences] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetAReportsReportAction] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[OpenSegmentedChunk] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT EXECUTE ON OBJECT::[dbo].[GetTimeBasedSubscriptionReportAction] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

PRINT N'Clonning permission on SQL inline table-valued functions'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

Scripting RSExecRole Rights on Views and SQL In-Line Table Valued Functions

sp_CloneRights @user = 'RSExecRole', @scriptClass='VIEW,SQL_FUNCTION'

This will produce a below script:

PRINT 'sp_CloneRights v0.20 (2015-05-14) (C) 2010-2015 Pavel Pawlowski'
PRINT '==============================================================='

--Database Context
USE [ReportServer]

PRINT N'Cloning permissions from [RSExecRole] to [RSExecRole]'

PRINT N'Clonning permission on views'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

PRINT N'Clonning permission on SQL inline table-valued functions'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [RSExecRole] AS [dbo]

Generating script for granting rights of RSExecRole Rights on Views and SQL In-Line Table Valued Functions to MyNewUser

sp_CloneRights @user = 'RSExecRole', @newUser='MyNewUser', @scriptClass='VIEW,SQL_FUNCTION'

Produces the requested script with below output:

PRINT 'sp_CloneRights v0.20 (2015-05-14) (C) 2010-2015 Pavel Pawlowski'
PRINT '==============================================================='

--Database Context
USE [ReportServer]

PRINT N'Cloning permissions from [RSExecRole] to [MyNewUser]'

PRINT N'Clonning permission on views'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSets] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog3] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedDataSources] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExecutionLog2] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]

PRINT N'Clonning permission on SQL inline table-valued functions'
GRANT REFERENCES ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]
GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ExtendedCatalog] TO [MyNewUser] AS [dbo]

Any comments bug reports or suggestions for improvements are welcomed.